Autism and ASD

Supporting bereaved pupils with SEND

A free-to-access resource has been launched by Child Bereavement UK in collaboration with the London Grid for Learning to help education professionals support bereaved pupils with SEND. 

Sibs (Something Interesting for Brothers and Sisters)

Student led volunteer project, offering free fun days out for children aged 8 to 12 years old who have a brother or sister with a disability. Activities run monthly on Saturdays (during university term-time) giving children a break and the chance to meet others in similar situations. Further details are on this leaflet. An application form can be downloaded here.

Sheffield Children's Hospital Autism Resources

Information,strategies and support for young people and families. Includes information about assessments and resources to help manage difficulties around sleep, mood, anxiety, sensory issues and going to school.

Sparkle Sheffield

Local charity that supports children and young people from birth to 25 with Autism Spectrum disorders and other social communication difficulties. Offers a range of support including parental support, social groups, education about autism and coping strategies.

NHS Health A-Z - Conditions and treatments

Information about conditions, treatments and support for carers

Easy health leaflets

Large range of leaflets on different topics, explained in an accessible format

Support and advice if you have a parents with a disability or illness (leaflet)

Leaflet for young people including information on what disabilities are, how can having a parent with a disability can affect you and how to get help and support.

Parent/carers guide to the SEND reforms

The Sheffield Parent Carer Forum has published a guide for parents to the special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms. The guide explains what is changing, how the new processes will work in Sheffield, and how youngsters will make the transition from the old to the new system. It includes a number of useful tips – written by parents, for parents! – as well as a “jargon buster” and a list of useful contacts.

ACCT (Asperger’s Children and Carers Together)

Parent-led support group for children and families affected by Asperger’s syndrome. ACCT run activity groups for children and teenagers with Asperger’s, as well as day trips and other outings. Siblings are welcome too. ACCT also host weekly drop-in sessions and monthly meetings for parents and carers.