M-PACT Moving Parents and Children Together Programme
Sheffield Young Carers are now able to offer additional whole family group support to benefit children and young people aged 8-17, who have been affected by parental substance misuse.
M-PACT is a whole family, multi-family, structured brief intervention. Using a psychosocial, educational and systematic approach, M-PACT aims to improve the well-being of children and families affected by parental substance misuse.
The M-PACT programme was developed by the Forward Trust in response to the 2003 Hidden Harm report highlighting the impact of parental substance misuse on children, and is now delivered under licence by Sheffield Young Carers.
This is a 10 session programme of support designed to help families address areas including communication and coping strategies, as well as educating family members on what addiction is and the impact it has.
Support includes:
8 core groups sessions that families attend together
A family review session, where ongoing support needs will be identified
A 12 week reunion. A chance to check in with families and address any ongoing or emerging issues, and for families to participate in a fun activity together.
We are now accepting referrals for our next programme of support.
Referral forms can be found here:
Having trouble downloading the files? Contact us using and we will email the forms over to you.
*COMING SOON* Finding My Way - A workbook designed by SYC to help young people understand addiction in the family. This workbook, which includes a variety of discussion points and creative activities, can be used by professionals supporting children/young people affected by a family member’s addiction.
Or for more information contact:
Sheffield Young Carers
Tel: 0114 258 4595
Email: helen.bolt@sheffieldyoungcarers.org.uk
Further M-PACT programme details can be found at: https://www.forwardtrust.org.uk/service/m-pact-programme/
Moving Parents and Children Together (M-PACT) Logo
Forward Trust Logo