We can help you support young carers

If you come in to contact with young people aged between 8 and 25 years in your work, please complete this short form and we will send you useful resources that could help you make life easier for young carers.

We are particularly keen to be in touch with school, college and university staff, where we can help to make a real difference to young carers’ lives.

Young carers are children or young people who look after one or more family members who have disabilities, long-term illness, mental health needs or alcohol/drug problems.

Their caring might be:

  • personal - things like washing the person they care for or helping them move around

  • physical - lifting, carrying, shopping, or collecting medication for them

  • financial - providing money to make sure the person they care for has what they need

  • and/or emotional - dealing with their feelings and trying to make them feel better.

“Knowing that someone really cares about you
and is there to make things better for you
is one of the best feelings”
— young carer

Complete this form to receive regular emails with useful resources to help you support young carers

Your details will only be used by SYC to provide you with updates and will not be shared with any third parties.

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