High Sheriff accolade for young carers

SYC were delighted to receive a special award from the High Sheriff of South Yorkshire, Julie MacDonald, for the work we do to support young carers in Sheffield. SYC were invited to the High Sheriff's Legal Service at Sheffield Cathedral on Sunday 2nd April, followed by a reception in the Cutlers Hall to mark to end of Julie’s year in office.

SYC has been honoured to be the High Sheriff's charity of the year. Julie has raised several thousand pounds for young carers in the city as part of her commitment to support and encourage all Sheffield’s children and young people.

We received a further £1000 donation from Julie at the reception. Her generous support to SYC in the last year is really appreciated. We have used to money raised to support our one-to-one work with young carers, offering them a chance to talk (often for the first time) about their caring role and how it affects them.

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