ON SALE NOW: Sheffield Young Carers '29 Minute Meals' Recipe Book (£4.99 + £1 p&p)
During summer 2011, 15 young people from SYC were supported by Syeda (South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association) to develop, make and taste some simple, healthy recipes to cook for themselves and their families, and to turn these into a recipe book and cookery show-style film to share what they had learnt.
With the kind support of Sheffield Hallam University, the group from Sheffield Young Carers spent four days in the university Catering & Hospitality department learning all about:
• Keeping safe in the kitchen
• What 'healthy eating' really means
• How to ‘buy right’ to make great meals on a small budget
They also made and tasted over 20 different quick and nutritious meals using recipes that Saima Younis, Development Worker from Syeda, carefully created based on meals that the young carers said they already enjoy or wanted to learn how to cook.
With the support of law firm Irwin Mitchell, these recipes have now been made into a recipe book, 'Young Carers 29 Minute Meals', which includes budgeting ideas, healthy eating tips and all the delicious, tried-and-tested recipes.
To accompany the recipe book, the group also made a cookery-show style film, kindly produced by Pseudonym Films. It includes some of what the group learnt about how to keep safe in the kitchen, along with step-by-step demonstrations of how to make their three favourite recipes from the book.
SYC would like to extend huge thanks to everyone involved in the project, especially Saima and all the team at Syeda who worked incredibly hard to make this project happen.
The recipes book is now available to buy, priced £4.99 + £1 P&P per book (additional donations welcome!) and would make fantastic teaching resources, or birthday, Christmas or moving out of home gifts! All proceeds from the book go directly to Sheffield Young Carers, supporting young people with caring responsibilities across Sheffield. To buy the book, or if you think you could sell copies on behalf of SYC, please contact us. And to see step-by-step demonstrations of some of the recipes, watch our film: