Youth-led online support is available to anybody aged 11-25 when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
NHS Health A-Z - Conditions and treatments
Information about conditions, treatments and support for carers
Easy health leaflets
Large range of leaflets on different topics, explained in an accessible format
HIV Services in Sheffield
Provides information, advice and support to people living with and affected by HIV in Sheffield aged 19 yrs+. HIV services in Sheffield have changed and are now provided by The Stonegrove Centre.
Supporting young carers in families with HIV (Booklet)
Professionals booklet including information on who young carers, impacts of caring, families with insecure immigration status, disclosure and confidentiality, and practical tips on how to offer support.
Film made by young people caring for parents affected by HIV and AIDS
[This film doesn’t seem to be available at the moment. The web link goes to the article that accompanies the film] A film made by young people with parents affected by HIV and Aids gives their moving accounts. These children wanted the world to know what it was like to live with a parent with HIV/Aids, and the 14-minute film they have made shows their reality.