Range of publications specifically tailored information for young people, parents, teachers and carers about mental health. The RCPsych also has a new App which gives instant access to the College’s mental health information leaflets, animations and podcasts.
Being Seen and Heard: The Needs of Children of Parents with Mental Illness (DVD)
Currently unavailable
Excellent resource with very practical tips around working with children who care for someone with mental illness.
Young Minds
information to young people and children about mental health and emotional well-being, including a factsheet on ‘Mental Illness In Your Family’
Mindful website
Mental health support for 11-17 yr olds, including online mentoring and counselling.
Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Toolkit for Sheffield Schools
Toolkit for schools including information on indicators of possible mental health difficulties, actions schools can take and contact details for support agencies.
COPMI - Children of Parents with a Mental Illness
Range of useful resources from Australia around parental mental illness for children, parents and professionals.
The Mix
Support for under 25s with information on many issues that may affect or worry for young people, including mental health, drugs and alcohol, housing, money, and sex and relationships.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
A self-support group for anyone aged over 18 who has lost a friend or family member by suicide which meets monthly in a Sheffield city centre location.