We’re delighted to be launching our brand new education project, Greater Reach, Brighter Futures - a three-year project, funded by the British and Foreign School Society and supported by Learn Sheffield and Sheffield City Council.
Summer activity round-up
And just like that, the summer holidays are over! We aren’t too sad though because we were able to squeeze tons of fun into our five-week programme of holiday activities. From canoeing to climbing, young carers from all over Sheffield put themselves to the test, having lots of fun in the process!
Making them real: young carers' rights
As the new Health and Social Care Bill is going through Parliament, Young Carers National Voice are calling for the recognition of young carers’ rights to identification and support within health and social care services. Read our report today.
We're hiring!
We have a vacancy for a highly motivated Young People’s One-to-One Worker. This is an exciting opportunity to build your skills and experience in a growing, vibrant organisation where your ideas and contributions will be highly valued.
Fancy taking on a challenge for SYC?
Here are just a few of our favourite events, which could be perfect if you’re considering taking on a challenge for SYC but you’re not too sure where to start!
School's out for summer!
Woohoo, the summer holidays are finally here! It has been another crazy year filled with tons of hard work and pressure for young carers and young people affected by alcohol or drug issues in their family, so SYC are delighted to be able to offer lots of different activities during the summer holidays.
Holiday fun for all the family
The summer holidays can be an exciting, fun time, but they can also be very hard to fill! Here are our top tips for fun and free activities this summer - enjoy!
SYC's super supporters
They say charity starts at home… well for SYC, it certainly seems to! We’ve been delighted to receive support from a number of Sheffield-based companies, local groups and individuals over the past few months. Here are just a few of them…
Carers Week: Free ice skating for young carers - and more!
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to their families and communities. The campaign theme this year is ‘Make Caring Visible and Valued’.
Carers call for vaccine to protect loved ones
WATCH young carer Thomas talk on BBC Look North about his fear of bringing COVID-19 home to his parents, as Carers UK and others call…
SYC: Investors In People
In November, Sheffield Young Carers received the ‘We invest in people’ Standard from Investors in People.
SYC gets £1000 to further combat digital poverty
In really good news, we have just been awarded £1000 from Sheffield-based fundraising group, 500 Together.
Your invitation to our AGM: ‘Young people at our heart’, 16 November 2020
Putting young people first: our annual general meeting will be hosted by young people from SYC’s Action Group.
Take part in the city's carers consultation
New tool for education staff launched by National Voice Campaign
A brand new tool to help education workers to identify new and hidden young carers is launched by the National Voice campaign.
Black Lives Matter: SYC statement
We support the #BlackLivesMatter movement and stand in solidarity with black people and black communities in Sheffield…
On #PowerOfYouth Day, we present our National Voice campaign!
Today, young people and workers from young carers organisations around the country are meeting to start our collective campaign: for better recognition and support in schools and colleges.
Life in lockdown
Lockdown is having a real impact on the children and young people we support: many are unable to take a break from their caring and they are all missing out on the support and distraction that school provides. Access to other services that young carers and their families rely on, including other charities, social care workers and their wider family, has also been reduced under lockdown.
Holiday Activities: May 2020
The lockdown won’t stop our regular and fun school holiday activities! We’ve got great stuff on all week for the young people and families we support. Click here for details
Schools open for Young Carers from Mon 23 March - if safest option
Sheffield City Council have said that schools will be open for young carers from Monday 23 March - if that’s the safest option for those young carers and their families.